Click-Worthy Content: What Really Works For Email Marketing

With over 4 billion email users worldwide, email marketing is one of the most powerful strategies for engaging current and potential customers, boosting brand awareness, nurturing leads and driving sales.

Keep reading to learn the latest techniques for email marketing and start sending content that reaches your customers.

If you look at the data, there are over 4 billion email users worldwide—that’s more than half of the world’s population!

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Clearing the Inbox on Common Email Misconceptions.

There are countless “best practices” lists online for every marketing tactic you’ve heard of, many of which offer valuable guidance.

However, sometimes, the key to achieving the best results for your email marketing strategy is to break away from the tried-and-true advice.

Here are our hot takes on some common email misconceptions.

Emojis and Attention-Grabbing Tactics Actually Belong in Subject Lines.

Contrary to the old best practice advice to avoid emojis and sales words in your subject lines, industry experts have found that they boost engagement. Including emojis, brackets, all-caps words and exclamation marks can lift open rates and help your email stand out in a crowded inbox.

According to Litmus, an emoji in your email’s subject line can increase the click-through rate by 28%. When used thoughtfully, sales-forward subject line tactics can enhance your email marketing strategy and drive better results.

Email Open Rates Matter More Than You Think.

Despite the buzz that open rates are “dead,” they remain a valuable metric for gauging the performance of email campaigns. Open rates provide insights into how well your subject line resonates with your audience and whether your emails are effectively reaching your subscribers.

By comparing your open rate to the industry average, you can clearly understand how your emails are stacking up against your peers. Use open rates as a diagnostic tool to refine your approach and grow your engagement to ensure your emails hit the mark.

Unsubscribes Aren’t Always A Bad Thing.

Although they might seem negative, unsubscribes can be pretty insightful. When someone unsubscribes from your email, it means your email stood out enough to prompt an action—even if that action was opting out. One of your tactics worked enough to help your email break through a crowded inbox!

It can also reveal that your content doesn’t resonate with specific individuals, allowing you to tailor your messaging to your target audience better.

Unsubscribes can also indicate that you need to adjust the cadence of your emails—you could be sending too many emails and flooding your subscriber’s inboxes or sending them infrequently, causing them to lose interest. Additionally, a wave of unsubscribes can signal a shift in subscriber preferences or needs, giving you valuable feedback to refine your strategy.

An emoji in your email’s subject line can increase the click-through rate by 28%.

Litmus, 2022

Use These Winning Email Tactics To Boost Your Engagement.

Email marketing can significantly boost your engagement and elevate your brand’s effectiveness. Here are our tips for achieving these results:

Keep Your Main Message Above The Fold.

Keeping your CTA and the main message “above the fold” in your email is crucial for quickly capturing your audience’s attention. “Above the fold” refers to the content visible to a reader before they start scrolling. While consumers scroll more than they used to, thanks to social media and vertical timelines, the most critical information in your email still needs to be front and center.

According to a 2022 report from Litmus, people spend an average of nine seconds looking at an email. By placing your key message, call to action or most compelling content above the fold, you ensure it gets noticed immediately, maximizing the impact of your email marketing efforts.

Automate Your Emails To Simplify Your Strategy.

Automating your email campaigns can streamline your marketing efforts and boost efficiency. Sending personalized emails to your customers is highly effective but is incredibly time-consuming. Email marketing platforms allow you to automate these messages, saving valuable time for other important tasks.

For instance, you can set up automated responses for website form submissions, welcome emails for new subscribers and follow-up emails based on user behavior. By leveraging automation, you can maintain a high level of personalization and engagement, ultimately driving better results for your email marketing strategy.

Marked as Important: Email Marketing is Beneficial to Your Strategy.

Email marketing offers many advantages that can significantly grow your business’s reach and impact.

They Boast A High ROI.

Email marketing is renowned for its exceptional return on investment. Clear call-to-actions effectively drive sales growth and amplify your business’s revenue streams.

In 2022, Litmus reported that email marketing delivered an average of $36 for every $1 spent, with many industries seeing a higher ROI ratio.

Engaging Emails Boost Website Traffic.

Regularly sending e-newsletters with engaging blog links can significantly increase traffic to your website by providing your audience with valuable and relevant content.

Email Marketing Amplifies Brand Awareness.

Consistent communication through thoughtfully crafted email sequences and drip campaigns is pivotal in increasing brand recognition and highlighting your business’s unique values. Email marketing builds lasting trust with potential customers by meeting them where they are.

Estland: CC’ing You on a Winning Email Marketing Strategy.

Our dedicated team can help you craft an effective email marketing strategy to deliver real results for your business. Whether you want to increase sales, boost website traffic or enhance brand awareness, we specialize in creating tailored campaigns that resonate with your audience.

From designing compelling content to implementing effective automations and measuring performance metrics, we’re here to ensure your email marketing efforts deliver measurable success. Drop us a line today to get started!

Revolutionize Your Email Marketing Strategy