Case Studies

Oak Hill Wealth Advisors

Financial Services Marketing is About the Relationship

Through Storytelling We Engage Prospective Clients

Financial services marketing looks a little different from marketing other industries. When experienced CFP®’s Patrick Larkin and Timothy Schmidt decided to open their own wealth management firm, they had specific requirements for their chosen marketing agency:

  • Financial industry marketing experience
  • Ability to meet compliance requirements
  • A creative approach to marketing an esoteric industry

With extensive financial industry marketing experience, Estland was the perfect marketing partner for Oak Hill Wealth Advisors.

Financial planners can spend years fostering connections with their clients. Our decades of storytelling experience can seamlessly facilitate those relationships by transporting target audiences from the first step of the process through the last. By using language to build credibility and empathy, we set the foundation for a long-lasting relationship between the client and the advisor.